The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever

Jacques Cousteau

Swimming My Verses: Poetry & Open Water Swimming

P8050067 Elementals: Hand. Aqua. Bubble. Water.

Blue. Green. Tree. Breath. Arm. Hand. Bubbles. Sun. Moon.  Sometimes when I'm open water swimming, with my mind full of thoughts and I want to clear it, I turn to elementals like primary colors. Single words for single moments. I turn my head to breathe, life giving agent, and there is the Sky. Cloud. Pink. Sun. S...

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Why Dawn Swimmer?

IMG_20200428_081153 After the dawn swim enjoying the morning sun on my back

Dawn Swimmer is me but she is also any woman. I didn't want this blog to be an expose of myself and consequently I've chosen to make it anonymous. I would like anyone to identify with the call of the sea, the desire to challenge oneself, to connect with nature's beauty and the ever-changing moods of the day and ocean, as we...

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