The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever

Jacques Cousteau

My Body the Ocean: Swimming My Song

P9230134-2 My Body the Ocean - I sing my song to the sea.

Even with the windows closed, I can hear the deep, powerful resonance of the ocean, a 20-minute walk away from my house. I live on a hill that looks down upon the sea. It's too far to hear individual waves crashing but close enough for the collective roar to float up and surround my consciousness as a constant presence. Even though I am often not a...

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Swimming the Knife Edge by The Elaborate Swimmer

IMG_8691-4 The Elaborate Swimmer - I face life with strength and beauty, creativity and fearlessness.

Cold. Knives. Edges. Water. Creativity. Pushing limits, pushing boundaries. Why do we do what we do? In this strikingly creative and powerful piece by the South African native and now Scottish Highlands resident, The Elaborate Swimmer takes us on her journey from cold to creativity and the power of the extreme to bring us into sharp reality wi...

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  2152 Hits

The Joy of the Sea is Embedded in My Blood

Muizenberg_Cape_Town1-2 Joy of the sea at Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa where I live

Joy in life and the waves is what South African artist Lyn Northam transmits in her Wild Swimmer piece celebrating her life on this glorious planet enveloped in the salty richness of the sea. While many things change over the course of one's life, Lyn demonstrates how a love of the sea is an eternal affair and off...

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The Kraken Awakes by Kath Ferguson

eb16 Legendary yet real beast, the kraken lies below the calm appearing surface.

Yesterday, 10 October 2020, was World Mental Health Day. Depression and anxiety are terrible bedfellows. They haunt you, perturb you, rarely leave you in peace, and hang over your head like a veil of despair tinging with darkness the brightest of days. On the surface, one can appear okay but the storm within may rage darkly, sadly, i...

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  2018 Hits

Waking to the Lure of the Sea by Sara Solnick

IMG_5077-2 Waking up to the Light

As I've entered the world of swimming, as in any discipline, I've discovered the worlds within worlds. One of the major distinctions is pool vs. wild or outdoor swimming. Sara Solnick, a lifelong pool swimmer from the UK, shares her moving story of transformation from fear to flow in the sea and how she has also become ...

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The Sea Sets Me Free by Heidi Westbrook

20170920_133207-02_resized_20200918_043049190-2 I had found my true self in the sea

Today's powerful Wild Swimmer Story is a woman's discovery of herself, her worth and her decision to live. Many women (too many) allow fears, habits and hang-ups to keep them from embracing what their souls yearn for and need, ignoring what instinct and inner wisdom shouts at them to do. B...

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