The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever

Jacques Cousteau

Swimming in the Fog: Descent into the Fog, Return into the Light

IMG_20200826_113314_219 Sun starts to break through fog on return journey.

 It's hard to imagine nature mirroring more profoundly a common mental, inner process than this morning's walk and swim in the sea. Who doesn't experience 'mental fog' from time to time, ie, a lack of clarity, vision or feel overwhelmed by doubt? This sequence of four photos focused on the same view show my descent into the fog....

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Come, Swim at Dawn

IMG_20200411_081754-2 Footprints in the sand

Come with me and swim at dawn. Feel, see and share what it is like to greet the morning and the sea each day. Become part of this soulful journey of exploration and renewal in this magical world that is the ocean and its environs. The sea awaits you. In this video, I prepare for my immersion. My feet reach the water and my shadow mer...

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