The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever

Jacques Cousteau

A Winter Swim With Walt and Wyatt by Katharine Montstream

AfterlightImage-2 Wild swimming becomes poetry at Cotton Hollow in Glastonbury, CT

Poetry and wild swimming. The power of water, especially cold water, to open creative pathways takes many forms. Poems are not just words on a page but often a reflection of how one moves through life.  Kath Montstream (@redhotchillydippers) combines her actions and words in this beautiful poem taking us with her, her brother and his dog on a winter swim in Connecticut, USA. Poetry in motion.

A Winter Walk With Walt and Wyatt

by Katharine Montstream

Cold water has become my friend as it allows all my stress to melt away into the water; when I come out, I feel renewed.

by Kath Montstream

Steep woods.
With distant running

A dog,
and a brother
to traipse through the ravine
In search of
The perfect pool.

Icicles hang over logs
And clutch to branches
With swift moving river below.

Too much white water.
Too shallow.
Current too strong.
and then, we find perfection.

The river has calmed,
And slowly deepens.
With sandy steps
Below spring fed icicles.

I'm not hesitant
For I'm wearing far too many layers.
Like an onion, I peel them away.
Wool, again.
Down parka and then
Hat, mittens and neck warmer are left
in the sand.

I'm ready
to embrace the coolness-
And feel the smile release
as I let myself surrender
to the numbing waters.

Above, the peach sky shifts
to twilight.


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